We're Not Getting Out of Here Alive

“Note to self: None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the trust that you are carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else.” –sun-gazing.com  

My dear life-long friend, Sharon shared this quote with me. She is one of the happiest people I have ever met. She is one of those people you meet and instantly connect with. She’s always laughing and smiling. She tells jokes and shares stories about things that have happened to her that made her laugh. She's kind, she's sweet, and she's an amazing person.

In the past two years, I experienced my mom going through breast cancer (she's in remission, YAY!!!), had my own breast lump removed (I'm fine), and had a skin cancer scare (Yikes! Wear sunscreen). During all of those times, I recognized the fact that life is really, really short. For some reason, we think we have all of the time to do the things that we love, but unfortunately sometimes in the blink of an eye, life changes drastically. At those moments we realize that we don't have all of the time we anticipated. We can't go back and change the things we did or said. Those moments mold us. They make us appreciate each day as the gift it actually is.

Are you treating yourself like an afterthought? What have you done to treat yourself? What if today was your last day? Did you kiss your loved ones? Did you laugh? Did you treat yourself well?

Your challenge today is to do one thing just for you! You are worth it.

Enjoy life!


What are your Impossible Thoughts?


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyways