A Visit to My Office

By, Allison Liddle

I just did a deep clean of my office. It felt awesome to toss and donate so much stuff. 2017 definitely was a year of abundance and my office felt abundant...like I couldn't shut my drawers anymore abundant!

There are some things I've had up in my office for over a decade and I look at them every single day. I thought I share those with you because you may want to borrow some of the ideas:

  • My purpose: I have this written down and I read it every day.
  • Optimist Creed
  • Thank you cards and notes: I save my cards and display them. On tough days I can go over and read the cards to lift myself back up. I have this sweet post-it from my little sister Anika that says: "I love you very much! You are the most talented, motivational, inspirational sister/person I know. Go on and change the world."
  • Change Chart: I share this in my book, "Life Under Construction." My life is always changing and I like to know where I'm at in the chart.
  • Goal Board: I use a chalkboard and I have the TOP 8-10 goals on the board. I have check boxes next to the goals so that I can check them off as I get them completed.
  • Vision Board: I have goals and pictures of what I'm working on in various areas of my life.
  • Inspiration: I'm surrounded by quotes like, "Believe there is good in the world. Be the good." "The best is yet to come" "Be original, be inspired" "21 Suggestions for Success" "If your dreams don't scare you they're not big enough" and many more.
  • Pictures of my favorite people: I'm blessed with amazing people surrounding me daily on my life adventure. I display lots and lots of pictures of my family and friends in my office.
  • Favorite books: I tried to clean off my bookshelf and I was only able to part with 5 books. I really LOVE to read every single day. I typically read leadership, relationships, personal growth, or spiritual books.

Thanks for visiting. :)


Gratitude....Leaders Serve First


Ditch the Resolutions, Instead Write Your Bucket List!