Life Under Construction Live Event was AWESOME!!!

Imagine having an entire day to reflect, reset, and refocus your life? After hosting the first Life Under Construction Live Event the participants surveyed 100% said they came away with more clarity on their life plans personally/professionally.


Isn't that awesome?

Participants described the day:

  • The day really got me to think deeper on what's holding me back and where I want to be my best self!
  • I loved creating the Life Under Construction Blueprint.
  • I learned how to be a better and more engaging leader.
  • This retreat was great and it helped me create specifics on maximizing all areas of my life.
  • It was great to have a full day dedicated to reflect.
  • AWESOME! This day put me in check and makes me responsible for what is to come and my next steps.

Why is this so important?

I've found that the best leaders have clarity on what they want in their life. They tend to be happier, more fulfilled, and can deal with adversity better. If you'd like to be focused, have happier employees, deal with less stress, or have a clearer vision of where you'd like your life to go, then you need to have a clarity around what you want in your life (or what you don't). Too many people lead lives of quiet desperation. They continue to do the same things over and over again, but aren't truly happy with their results. They give themselves excuses for why they can't make a change when if they had a clear picture of what they wanted they could start to take little steps to get closer to that reality.

The Life Under Construction Live Event solves this problem because it gives you the tools, resources, and time to figure out what you need to focus your time and energy on to make you happy.

If you would like to be put on the waiting list for the next Life Under Construction Live Event

This a great workshop for teams or organizations as well. :)

**Searching for locations to host this event at in Madison and Green Bay/Appleton areas in August-October 2018. If you know of a location or organizations that may want to partner please email me.

Make today amazing!



Leadership Lessons from Paris, France


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