Have you ever been asked the same question over 50 times?



If you're a parent or have been around children for any amount of time you've probably been asked a question again, and again, and again. What typically happens? You say, "Stop asking me that question."

Well, I've been having that same experience from adults and children! HA! And I've decided rather than say, "Stop asking me that question." I'd answer it. :)

Do you know what the question is... Can you share how you wrote your book and self-published it?

I've heard of people with amazing stories they want to share and some of them have already written the book, but just don't know the next step. Some of the people haven't written the book, but have an awesome idea that will increase their business and help people. WIN/WIN!

I've decided to offer a FREE webinar about how I wrote my book, Life Under Construction: Designing a Life You Love, on Thursday, August 2 from 12-1 pm CT. After my presentation I'll also be answering questions from the participants.

If you have a story within you that you want to write about and you'd like to hear how I wrote and published my own book. All you need to sign up is enter your name and email HERE.

Make today amazing!


Allison Liddle is now booking speaking engagements and trainings for 2018-19. Connect with Allison Liddle on www.allisonliddle.com


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