10 Confidence Boosting Tips

By Allison Liddle

The definition of confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of one's own abilities or qualities.

I've had the privilege of speaking to thousands of people from all over the globe and I've heard that no matter your job title or experience, many people struggle with having confidence.

Here are 10 Confidence-Boosting Tips you can implement...today!

  1. Harness Your Strengths: Have you taken Gallop's Strengths Finder yet? Do it today because for a low cost you can figure out what your strengths are and use them to spend your time and energy using them. For a long time, I denied my creativity, after the strengths finder I realized I need to be creative because it's a strength of mine. Now I add in time to think creatively every day and feel more confident. Too often we lack confidence because we're trying to be someone or something we're not and by simply focusing on the things that we are already strong at doing we'll feel confident. (https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/strengthsfinder.aspx)

  2. Write down your strengths and read them every single day! This is a big one that'll take you about 3 minutes each day to do and will transform every single area of your life if you let it. I'd like you to take 5 minutes and brainstorm everything that makes you uniquely awesome. You know there are things that make you...you. Write down you at your best. What does it look like? Who do you show up as? How do you help others? Those words are your power words. Now each day as you are getting ready look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I AM _______ (power word)." You're training your brain to believe in yourself and with this activity, you'll feel more confident.

  3. Watch your language. I'd like you to be mindful of what you talk about today. Do you look for the good or the bad? Are you positive or negative? What are you focusing on? Things you can control or not? When you take time to evaluate your language you'll notice what you are focusing on. If it's positive, you'll probably feel more confident. If it's negative, you'll likely feel more drained. Practice using positive language every single day for a week and see how that helps you build you confidence muscle.

  4. Who are you surrounding yourself with? Think about a person who loves you and cheers you on. How do they make you feel? Great. Now think of someone who is mean and negative toward you. How does that feel? Not good. If you are working on feeling more confident you need to evaluate who is surrounding you. You want to surround yourself with lifters who are positive encouragers in your life. You don't need many, but you do need at least one person to cheer you on. This will help you feel better and you can add value to those encouragers by lifting them up too. Avoid or limit time with drainers. They'll suck the energy from you and leave you feeling less confident.

  5. What makes you happy, do more of that! Flowers make me happy. Laughter makes me happy. My family makes me happy. Loud music makes me happy. Seeing other people succeed really makes me happy. What things make you happy? Commit to making sure you are putting time into the things that make you happy. This will help you feel more confident because if we feel happy, we feel more confident.

  6. Be kind and loving to yourself. For a long time, I thought that if I criticized myself and put myself down internally that I'd accomplish more. This is not true, yet I see so many high achievers doing this. STOP IT! You need to give yourself grace and love. Be kind to yourself today. Even if you've screwed up in the past, today is a new day and you have a choice to show up in a different way. We all have that choice. Talk to yourself like someone you love.

  7. Dress for success. My husband did not believe this until I had him buy some really nice clothes. He put them on and instantly felt more confident. He walked differently, got a new haircut, wore nicer shoes, and spoke with more confidence. Today, buy yourself a really nice outfit, get your hair done professionally, splurge on making yourself look really good. Then see how you feel. This is a quick, but impactful change you can make. Dress up, and show up in your best self. You'll feel a big difference.

  8. Help someone else today! Look for someone you could help out, just because. There is something magical that happens when you give out kindness to others. It'll instantly help you feel better about yourself because like my great-aunt Margaret taught me, "life is too short to sit around thinking about yourself every day."

  9. Believe in yourself. What if you gave as much energy to believe in your dream as you did to your fears? Could you do it? My guess is yes. So, next time a doubt or fear emerges in your head, just let it go. Be intentional about believing in yourself. You can figure this out. You are resourceful. You already have what it takes!

  10. Be the energy you want to attract. If you want more positive things to happen in your life you have a choice. To put out negative energy and fear or to put out positive energy and love. That is a choice we all have to make each and every day. I notice a big change when I am focusing on putting out positive energy. I meet the most brilliant people. Things flow easier. Resources become available. Opportunities find me. And overall my day goes smoother.


Allison Liddle is a Guest on Build Your Tribe Podcast with Brock Johnson


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