What if you went all in on your goals this year?
I know one thing for sure. If you continue to do what you have always done you will get the same results.
Too often people wait for something tragic to happen: like job loss, financial ruin, divorce, or a major health scare in order to make a change in their life.
Don't be that person.
You have a choice today to live a different life tomorrow.
What if next year at this time you looked back and realized that you decided to believe in yourself? What if you went all-in on your goals and dreams? What if you launched to a new level of life?
How would that feel?
My guess is that you thought, "Allison, that'd be awesome. But it's unrealistic because [EXCUSE]."
Am I right?
I know this because I used to put more energy into why things couldn't happen in my life than to why they could. I was the person who could tell you 100 reasons why that goal would not work, rather than the 1 reason it could. I get ya.
But after working with mentors, coaching, reading books, surrounding myself with brilliant leaders, and failing a lot I realized that I could and you could shift our energy into designing a life we love.
We could start today by thinking of all the reasons why it could work and how it would feel.
Then we could take imperfect action day by day to make that vision of ours a reality.
And, what if it worked?
What if you took this year to believe in your goals 100%?
Would that be a terrible way to spend a year?
NO! It'd probably be awesome for you and the people around you.
So take the leap today my friend. Start now! Do it!