We traveled (*virtually*) to India today to speak to the amazing leader Suman Ghose

We traveled (*virtually*) to India today to speak to the amazing leader Suman Ghose about building empathy. One of my favorite quotes that Suman shared was "Emotions are what change people, not logic." #boom #micdrop

Suman is the cofounder of Inroads Leadership cofounder of Inroads Leadership Development, and coached and trained numerous middle to senior management people and executive leadership. He also is a leadership trainer and coach for the World Health Organization part of the United Nations, so he had so many insightful things to share on leading well, understanding others, and emotional intelligence.

Look for this episode soon. It's an awesome one!

#launch #podcast #global #leadership #change #people #india #emotionalintelligence #share #building #empathy #unitednations #who #health #leader #leadershipdevelopment #management


My contribution is being featured in a global docu-series!