3 Minute Leadership Lesson on Commitment
It Separates Doers from Dreamers
Big Idea: Commitment means the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
Quick brain activator: What am I really committed to in my life?
What is commitment? To each person, it means something different:
To the boxer, it’s getting off the mat one time more than you’ve been knocked down.
To the marathoner, it’s running another ten miles when your strength is gone.
To the missionary, it’s saying good-bye to your own comfort to make life better for others.
To the leader, it’s all that and more because everyone you lead is depending on you.
What is the true nature of commitment? Take a look at three observations
● Commitment Starts in the Heart: Some people want everything to be perfect before they are willing to start. “Heart is what separates good from great.” -Michael Jordan
● Commitment is Tested by Action: It’s one thing to talk about commitment. It’s another to do something about it. The only real measure of commitment is action.
● Commitment Opens the door to Achievement: As a leader you will face challenges. David McNally commented, “Commitment is the enemy of resistance, for it is the serious promise to press on, to get up, no matter how many times you are knocked down.”
To improve your commitment do the following:
Measure it: Sometimes we think we are committed to something, yet our actions indicate otherwise. Look at your calendar, where have you been spending most of your time and energy? If you want to get good grades, but are not spending time studying, you can block off more time to study. Commitment will make a difference.