Tick Tock Team Building🕰

This is the our END HUNGER team as we were in the midst of brainstorming a viable business solution to END HUNGER. We’re laughing, but this was intense. We wanted to help so much and we were committed to solving the social issue.

Some of the valuable lessons I learned during this team building process were:

  1. Collaboration is amazing with brilliant leaders. Allow the space for brainstorming and conversation to flow.

  2. Listening is key. Take time to listen to others ideas.

  3. Planning a structure for team brainstorming is critical. I walked in with a list of strategies that I knew would help our team move forward with the innovation process quickly.

  4. Laughter wins. One of our awesome team members was an expert in Neuroscience. He’d crack jokes, laugh or do something silly at just the right time to help up reset our brain to tap into our potential. It worked wonders in developing creative solutions to almost impossible problems.

  5. Strengths matter. We tried to utilize our strengths to come together to make the business solution viable.


Terry Tucker


Ending Hunger